Cross platform mobile application development

Compatible Devices

TracerPlus is compatible with most iOS, Android, Windows PCs and Windows
Mobile phones, BarCode terminals and RFID Scanners.


TracerPlus Compatible Mobile Devices - Bar Code Terminals, RFID Terminals Smart Phones and Tablets

TracerPlus is compatible with a wide variety of mobile devices including: Barcode Terminals, RFID Scanners, Smartphones and Tablets running Android, iOS, Windows PCs, Windows Mobile, Windows Embedded Handheld, Windows CE, and Windows Embedded Compact operating systems.

TracerPlus has been successfully tested internally and/or proven in the field with the mobile devices listed below. If your device's operating system is listed as compatible ( view system requirements ) but not listed below, please contact PTS at 1-877-640-4152 or email to confirm compatibility.

Featured Mobile Device Hardware Manufacturers

Verified to work with your mobile application

Zebra Technologies Logo
CipherLab company logo
Panasonic company logo
Janam company logo
Samsung company logo
Honeywell company logo

Intermec company logo

Datalogic company logo

Compatible Devices

There are many devices and platforms to choose from. TracerPlus tries to be as cross-platform as possible, supporting all of the major mobile device operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile/CE, and even standard Windows PCs. This support does not stop at the operating system, but also includes the many enterprise class data collection technologies that are available on the selected device. The list below contains many of the devices that our experienced technicians have tested and certified with TracerPlus. If you click on any of the devices you can see what our technicians thought of the devices, and any special notes that they found as the device was tested.

Don't see your device, don't worry. Most likely TracerPlus will run on it.

Device Manufacturer Model Operating System Screen Resolution Comment Device Review
ACD Elektronik M210SE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 3.5" 240x320 The device does feature a camera, however TracerPlus does not currently support Windows CE based cameras.
Aceeca MEZ1500 Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Alien Technology ALR-H460 Android 6.0 540 x 845 Device Review
AML LDX10 Windows CE 6.0 240 x 268
AML M7225 Windows CE 6.0 240 x 268
Apple iPad iOS9+ Various
Apple iPod iOS9+ Various
Apple iPhone iOS9+ Various
ASUS TFT300 Tablet Android 4.2 P: 800 x 1190 / L: 1280 x 710
Bluebird EF500R Android 5.1.1 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580 Drop downs not deploying via MTP. Works with web deploy. Also seeing an issue with data folders refreshing - unable to access For_Import and exported not showing up. Device Review
Bluebird RT100 Android 4.4.4 P: 800 x 1160 / L: 1280 x 665 Drop downs not deploying via MTP. Works with web deploy. Also seeing an issue with data folders refreshing - unable to access For_Import and exported not showing up. Device Review
CipherLab 9700 Windows CE 6.0 R3 240x268
CipherLab 9700 Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.3 240x268
CipherLab RK95 Android 9 P: 480 x 695
CipherLab RS50 Android 6.0 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580 Device Review
CipherLab RS51 Android 8.0 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580
CipherLab RS35 Android 10
CipherLab RS31 Android 6.0 540 x 845 Device Review
CipherLab RS30 Android 4.4.2 P: 540 x 845 / L: 955 x 435 Device Review
CipherLab 1861 Bluetooth RFID Scanner Add On n/a This is an add-on component as opposed to an actual mobile device.
CipherLab 1664 Bluetooth 1D/2D Barcoode Scanner Add On n/a This is an add-on component as opposed to an actual mobile device.
CipherLab 9700 Android 6.0 480x522 Device Review
CipherLab 1862 Bluetooth RFID Scanner Add On N/A
CipherLab RK25 Android 7
Datalogic Falcon 4420 Windows Mobile 5.0 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Skorpio Windows Mobile 6.1 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Memor Windows Mobile 6.1 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Kyman Windows Mobile 6.0 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Falcon X3 Windows Mobile 6.5 or Windows CE 6.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Pegaso Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Elf Windows Mobile 6.5 240 x 268
Datalogic Skorpio X3 Windows CE 6.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Falcon X3+ Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 or Windows CE 6.0 240 x 268
Datalogic Falcon 4410 Windows Mobile 5.0 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Dell Axim 51v Windows Mobile 5.0
Google Nexus 7 Gen 2 Android 4.3, 4.4.2 P: 1200 x 1730 / L: 1920 x 1010
Google Nexus 7 Android 4.x
Google Nexus 5 Android 4.4.2
Handheld Nautiz X4 Android 4.2.2 P: 480 x 740 / L: 575 x 375 There are some display issues similar to the Motorola MC67 but a little worse. Top bar gets out of whack sometimes when switching display modes. Device Review
Honeywell Dolphin 9900 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 9950 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 9951 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Honeywell IH40 N/A Device Review
Honeywell Dolphin 7600 Windows Mobile 6.0 or Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 7850 Windows Mobile 6.0 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 6100 Windows CE 5.0 / Windows Embedded 6.5 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 6500 Windows CE 5.0 / Windows Embedded 6.5 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 7800 Windows Embedded 6.5 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 6000 Windows Embedded 6.5 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 7800 Android 2.3 P: 480 x 560 / L: 640 x 400
Honeywell Dolphin 99EX Windows Embedded 6.5 240 x 268
Honeywell Dolphin 9700 Windows Mobile 6.5 240 x 268
HP IPAQ 19xx Pocket PC 2003 Pro (4.20.1081)
HTC Mogul Windows Mobile 6 Professional
HTC Evo 4G Android 2.x P: 480 x 720 / L: 800 x 400
Intermec 700 Color Windows Mobile 2003
Intermec CN50 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Intermec CN3 Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.5 240 x 268
Intermec CN4 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Intermec CK3 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Janam XM75 Android 6
Janam XT100 Android 6
Janam XG200 Android 7
Janam XT2 Android 5.1 P: 720 x 1130 / L: 1280 x 580 Drop downs not deploying via MTP. Works when using web deploy. Device Review
Janam XT3 Android 9
Janam XT200 Android 8
Janam XG4 Android 9
Juniper Systems CP3 Android 7.1 800 x 1160
Juniper Systems Archer 2 Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 240 x 347 Duplicate Device IDs can occur.
LG Optimus G Android 4.1 P: 770 x 1190 / L: 1280 x 675
LG G5 Android 6.0.1
LG G Android 4.4
M3 Mobile Orange+ (OX10P) Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 240x320
MioWork A100 Android 4.0.3 P: 480 x 645 / L: 735 x 400
OnePlus One Android 4.x 1920 x 1080
Opticon PHL5400 Windows Mobile
Palm 700W Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC Phone Edition
Panasonic FZ-B2 Android 4.4.4 P: 800 x 1190 L: 1280 x 710 This tablet does not support a USB connection to a PC. TracerPlus deployments will need to be done via QR code deploy, Publisher Edition or through a USB thumb drive.
Panasonic FZ-X1 Android 4.2.2 P: 1080 x 1610 / L: 1800 x 915 Device Review
Panasonic FZ-N1 Android 8.1
Panasonic FZ-L1 Android 8.1
Panasonic FZ-T1 Android 8.1
Panasonic FZ-A2 Android 6.0.1 P: 800 x 1190 L: 1280 x 710
Partner Tech M1-POS Windows CE.Net 5.0
Partner Tech EM-100 Android 5.0.2 P: 800 x 1160 / L: 1280 x 665 Drop Downs not deploying via MTP.
Use Web Deploy.
Device Review
Partner Tech OT-310 Android 4.2.2 480 x 705 Drop Downs not deploying via MTP.
Use Web Deploy.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.x 1280x720
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.3, 4.4.2 1920x1080
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Android 4.2.2 1280x800
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Android 4.4.4, 5.0.1 2560x1440
Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+ Android 9, Android 10 1440 x 2550
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Android 5.1.1, Android 6.0.1 P: 1440 x 2320 / L: 2560 x 1200
Samsung Galaxy S5 Android 4.x 1920x1080 Device Review
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Android 5.1.1, Android 6.0.1 P: 1440 x 2320 / L: 2560 x 1200
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Android 8 1440 x 2550
Samsung Galaxy S9 Android 8 1440 x 2550
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Android 6.0.1 P: 1440 x 2320 / L: 2560 x 1200
Samsung Note 8 7.1.1 1440 x 2550
Samsung Galaxy S7 Android 6.0.1 P: 1440 x 2320 / L: 2560 x 1200
Samsung Note 9 Android 8.1 1440 x 2550
Samsung Galaxy Tab A Android 6.0.1 1920x1200
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Android 5.1.1 2560x1440
Samsung Galaxy S6 Android 5.1.1 1440x2560
Samsung Galaxy S20 Series Android 10+ Includes S20 5G, S20+ 5G, and S20 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Android 5.1.1 2048x1536
Samsung Galaxy S21 Series Android 11+ Includes S21 5G, S21+ 5G, and S21 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Android 4.x 1024x600
Samsung Galaxy S8+ Android 7.0.0 P: 1440 x 2435 / L: 2680 x 1200
Samsung Galaxy S22 Series Android 12+ Includes S22 5G, S22+ 5G, and S22 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S2 Android 2.x 480x800
Samsung Galaxy S8 Android 7.0.0 1440x2960
Samsung Galaxy S23 Series Android 13+ Includes S23 5G, S23+ 5G, and S23 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.x 720x1280
Samsung Galaxy S4 Android 4.x 1920x1080
Sprint 6700 Windows Mobile 5.0 Phone Edition
Trimble Nomad Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Trimble Recon Windows Mobile 6 240 x 268
Trimble Ranger 3 Windows Mobile 6.5
Trimble Juno T41 Android 2.3
TSL 2128 N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled for Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
TSL 2166 N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled for Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
TSL N/A N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled for Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
TSL N/A N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled for Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
Unitech TB100 Tablet Android 3.x P: 800 x 1190 / L: 1280 x 710
Unitech MS910 Bluetooth 1D Barcoode Scanner Add On This is an add on scanner; not an actual mobile device
Unitech PA520 Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 240 x 268 Device Review
Unitech HT680 Windows CE 5.0 240 x 268
Unitech PA690 Windows Embedded 6.5
Unitech PA600 Windows Mobile 6.1 240 x 268
Unitech PA550 Windows Mobile 6.5
Unitech RH767 Windows CE 5.0
Wasp WPA1200 Windows Mobile / CE 5.0
Zebra MC3330xR Android 10+ 480 x 625 RFID Reader
Zebra XPAD L10 Windows 10 1920 x 1200
Zebra MC3390xR Android 10+ 480 x 625 RFID Reader
Zebra TC8000 Android 4.4.3 P: 480 x 695 / L: 800 x 400 Device Review
Zebra TC73 / TC78 Android 11+
Zebra TC8300 Android 8.1
Zebra ET50 Android 5.1 P: 1200 x 1730 / L: 1920 x 1010 Device Review
Zebra TC53 / TC58 Android 11+
Zebra ET51 / ET56 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Supports models with embedded Barcode Scanner
Zebra ET55 Android 5.1 P: 1200 x 1730 / L: 1920 x 1010
Zebra RFD40 Standard N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled compatible with Zebra TC21/TC26 and EC50/EC55 via eConnex adaptor.
Zebra TC70 Android 4.4.2, 5.1 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580 Device Review
Zebra WT6000 Android 5.1.1 P: 480 x 690 / L: 800 x 375
Zebra MC9300 Android 8.1 480 x 625
Zebra CS60 N/A N/A Bluetooth barcode scanner. MFI Model required for iOS.
Zebra TC51 Android 6.0.1 P: 720 x 1045 / L: 1185 x 580 Requires web deploy for Drop Down Data. Device Review
Zebra RFD8500 N/A N/A Bluetooth RFID sled works with iOS, and Android. Device Review
Zebra TC56 Android 6.0.1 P: 720 x 1045 / L: 1185 x 580 Requires web deploy for Drop Down Data. Device Review
Zebra ET51 / ET56 Android 8.1 P: 1200 x 1730 / L: 1920 x 1010
Zebra TC20 Android 7.0 Nougat 480 x 625 Device Review
Zebra TC70X Android 7.0 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580
Zebra CC600 / CC6000 Android 8.1
Zebra TC52 Android 8.1 480 x 700 Device Review
Zebra MC3300 Android 7.0 480 x 625 Device Review
Zebra TC75X Android 7.0 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580 Device Review
Zebra TC21/ TC26 Android 11+ 480 x 625
Zebra TC57 Android 8.1 480 x 700 Device Review
Zebra TC75 Android 4.4.2 P: 720 x 1140 / L: 1280 x 580
Zebra TC52x / TC57x Android 10+ 480 x 700
Zebra TC72 Android 8.0 480 x 760 Device Review
Zebra TC20 w/ RFD2000 Android 7.1.2 Nougat 480 x 625 Device Review
Zebra TC52ax Android 11+ 480 x 700 Wi-Fi 6
Zebra TC77 Android 8.1 480 x 760 Device Review
Zebra EC50 / EC55 Android 11+
Zebra TC25 Android 7.1 480 x 625
Zebra MC3390R Android 7.0 480 x 625 Device Review
Zebra MC2200 / MC2700 Android 10+
Zebra RFD9031 / RFD9091 N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled compatible with select Zebra Android devices via eConnex adaptor and most other Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
Zebra MC3330R Android 7.0 480 x 625 Device Review
Zebra MC3300x Android 10+ 480 x 625
Zebra RFD40 Premium / Premium Plus N/A N/A Mobile RFID Sled compatible with select Zebra Android devices via eConnex adaptor and most other Android and iOS devices using Bluetooth.
Zebra MC3300ax Android 11+ 480 x 625 Wi-Fi 6