“I think one of the biggest benefits of working with Portable Technology Solutions was their accessibility. The support has been great. Whenever I’ve had a question, they’ve been readily available, and solved any problem right away."
MCA Tile Raises the Roof on RFID ROI with TracerPlus

“We heard About RFID but never could afford to purchase a system that fit our needs until we found TracerPlus. We started deployment of the RFID solution in November 2014 and did our first major inventory about two months later. Now, one person can do a complete inventory in four hours, when it used to take eight people three days!”
“I think one of the biggest benefits of working with Portable Technology Solutions was their accessibility. The support has been great. Whenever I’ve had a question, they’ve been readily available, and solved any problem right away. And the quality of the Zebra reader, printer, and RFID labels has exceeded our expectations.”